TOPIC: Different Specialties
DURATION: 18 to 36 months. From 2010.
CODE: 20090216BMYD
DEADLINE: August 25 2009
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) of the Government of Mexico.
• Universities, Institutions of Higher Education in Mexico and research can be found at the following websites:,,
This call will remain in effect as follows:
A) bilateral and multilateral programs: Until August 25, 2009.
B) Special Programs: Until October 26, 2009.
C) Registration of nominations online July 15 to August 15, 2009.
The general conditions of the scholarships offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Directorate General of Cultural and educational cooperation are contained in the rules applicable to Foreign Grantees of SRE, which is included at the end of this Call.
No scholarships are offered to residents in Mexico are not eligible and foreign diplomats accredited in our country and their families. Those who obtained dual nationality by naturalization, can not be candidates.
• Grants are awarded for studies of expertise, master's, doctorate, medical specialties, to conduct research at the graduate, postdoctoral stays, stays for artistic creation, professional training programs for experts, high-level conferences and special chairs for teachers visitors and mobility at the postgraduate level.
• No scholarship for propaedeutic courses, distance learning, open education and doctoral Direct (integrated master's and doctorate).
• The majority of supply comes from Mexican public institutions, some private institutions participating in this call and the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, the Universidad de las Americas Puebla, the University of the Cloister of Sor Juana, Universidad Iberoamericana and the Universidad La Salle.
• The scholarships are offered for the disciplines mentioned in this call, do not offer scholarships for dentistry, plastic surgery, marketing, accounting, advertising and business administration. In the area of medicine, scholarships are awarded solely on public health institutions, hospitals and institutes under the collaborative program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Ministry of Health.
• Grants are up to a year. For studies at the master's may be renewed for up to 12 months more, even for doctors over 24 months, and medical specialties and subspecialties may be extended up to 24 months, as stipulated in the award of the scholarship. Mobility grants to postgraduate level are offered for up to six months in the school system.
• Scholarships for postgraduate research and postdoctoral stays have a maximum duration of one year and in no case be extended beyond that period.
• Trainees must ensure the completion of his thesis within the period of the regular curriculum. No additional extensions are granted to complete the thesis or to grade the test after completing the program.
Scholarships may start on the date authorized by the General Directorate of Educational and Cultural Cooperation.
• Among the programs offered by the Mexican company, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are three types: bilateral, resulting in most international conventions and agreements concluded between the Government of Mexico and the government of another country, the Multilateral derivatives commitments of the Government of Mexico in the field of multilateral organizations and specialists covering topics of significant importance to the international agenda in Mexico.
• The institutions and programs that are part of the call will be accessible on the website:
Preference will be given to persons who:
• Conduct research on priority issues for the development of their country.
• Work in areas of particular importance for the development of their country.
• Conduct a graduate who is enrolled in the Graduate Studies Program Quality (PNPC).
• Consider postgrades not taught in their own country.
• Carry out studies or research institutions are located in the states of Mexico.
• Are teachers or researchers in public institutions of higher education and scientific research centers in the country.
• Are public officials to carry out programs or areas of special interest to his country.
• To work in human development projects, social development, economic development, with marginalized groups, or socially or economically depressed areas.
* NOTE: Applicants must make the necessary arrangements directly with the Mexican academic institution to keep their interest and acceptance of it for your application is formally considered. If the matter to the candidate does not yet have academic acceptance, your application will receive a conditional.
• Academic excellence of the candidate in the area that will look at a Mexican institution.
• Congruence between educational background and work of the candidate and the area you want to specialize in Mexico.
• Importance of research and its direct impact on the development of the candidate's own country.
• Rehabilitation work of the candidate in his country after the fellowship.
• Linking research to specific projects underway or are already approved and the impact of the development of the candidate.
• Projection of a practical application of acquired knowledge.
Applications that meet all requirements will be discussed by a
preselection committee in their own country.
The final decision on the granting of scholarships is the responsibility of the Government of Mexico and is final.
• Registration and tuition, if applicable.
• Handling, equivalent to:
1) 4 minimum wages set for the Federal District, for special scholarships, master's or master's level research and study Spanish and Mexican culture. That amount is currently $ 6576.00 pesos.
2) 5 of the Minimum Wage D.F. scholarships for doctorate or doctoral research, postdoctoral, medical specialties and subspecialties estate experts and artists. Now equals
$ 8220.00 pesos.
• Medical insurance covered by the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), starting the third month of the scholarship and if the fellow meets with the delivery of the requested documentation, on time, to give it high before the IMSS .
• Transportation to the city of Mexico City headquarters of the academic institution at the start of receiving the scholarship, and back to Mexico City at the end of the scholarship.
• The only international air transportation is given to fellows who are nationals of countries with which Mexico has a reciprocal relationship in the area of air transport and trainees whose program in this announcement, include this provision.
• Fellows of Belize, to study Spanish intensively for 6 months before starting graduate, with the exception of the fellows who are preparing for teachers of Spanish, who must have basic knowledge.
Any expenses not mentioned in the previous sections will be covered by the fellow, as well as the costs incurred by the costs of incorporation and recognition of studies, printing of the thesis, the process of obtaining certification and grade registration for the National Register of Aliens and renewal visa.
Scholarships for 2010 gives the SRE, through the Directorate General of
Cultural and Educational Cooperation and the beneficiaries of these scholarships will be notified during the period 1 to December 17, 2009. Results
be delivered in writing to the Embassy of Mexico in question.
The terms and conditions on the granting of the scholarship will be notified to
through the Embassy of Mexico in their countries.
The scholarships are not transferable, nor may differ for academic years following the year for which they were granted.
Persons who receive a scholarship under this call must provide written commitment to return to their countries after their studies for which scholarship was.
The fellows will be documented as non-immigrant students in the consular section of the Embassy of Mexico in your country. Should not travel as tourists.
Trainees who have dual nationality, must attend and accredited to Mexico during his stay as trainees, with the nationality of the country
Fellows will undertake to sign the document "Standards Applicable to Foreign Grantees of SRE, which forms part of the annual call. The signing of this document and the sheet Grant, represents the acceptance of the grant and the conditions governing the stay of the fellow in Mexico.
Once awarded the scholarship will not accept changes of school or
Study. If any fellow abandon the studies, engages in other activities which contravene the laws in Mexico, reproves any substance or unjustifiably obtain grades below 8.5 (eight point five) on average on a scale of 0 to 10, each study period, the scholarship will be canceled.
Trainees must observe the rules of the Mexican academic institution in the study. Whether directly or indirectly involved in hostile actions or movements inside or outside the academic environment, or whether the institution would resign, the scholarship is automatically canceled.
The scholarships are awarded for studies in Mexico, so that the fellow should not leave the country for a period of 30 days per year of scholarship.
If this happens, food will be suspended or terminated may be revived in final form.
Permits to leave the country are not cumulative from year to year. The year was
counted from the start of the scholarship.
Those scholars who is benefiting from a scholarship for a period less than 12
months, will be analyzed case by case basis.
Preference will be given to candidatures whose thesis or research can take place in Mexico as a whole, to avoid delays to students who, by their subjects, who were returning home to half of
studies to gather information. When this happens the scholarship will be suspended to leave Mexican territory and will restart on its return, according to the time allowed by the Directorate for Academic Exchange (DIA) of the General Directorate of Educational and Cultural Cooperation.
a) Migrant
When the candidate has the job of providing the scholarship, you must do all the paperwork that prompted the embassy or consulate of Mexico, as appropriate. Trainees will have to be documented as a student intern with Migratoria Form 3 (FM3) not as a tourist. The fellow can not travel on diplomatic or official passport. The cost for registration and renewal of visas will be borne by the grantee.
b) Move to Mexico
If international shipping is part of the benefits of a scholarship, the plane ticket is managed by the Directorate for Academic Exchange. The Embassy of Mexico in your country is responsible to inform the ticket data. If the international shipping is not covered within the benefits of the fellowship, the fellow should go to Mexico on their own.
Before traveling, the fellow must have an international health care service, which will be necessary to cover your expenses due to illness, accident or hospitalization during the first three months of their stay in Mexico, since IMSS insurance is provided from the third month of scholarship.
c) Arrival in Mexico
Upon arrival to Mexico City the fellow must be filed in the offices of the Directorate for Academic Exchange of the General Directorate of Cultural Affairs, located in Plaza Juárez No. 20, Piso 4, Col. Centro, Mexico City in time 9 to 13:30 hrs., Monday through Friday, to perform its registration as a Fellow of the SRE. Be sure to consult the guide of Fellow.
d) First Maintenance
The first meals were delivered to the fellow during the last days of the month in which the scholarship begins and in accordance with the annual schedule of payments of grants that will provide the Mexican embassy. That is why it is essential that the trainee has resources to live for at least 30 days.
Those Fellows who do not arrive in Mexico and documented within the first ten days of the month, from which he was awarded the scholarship, you lose the first maintenance.
e) Payment of monthly
In the annual calendar indicating the days of paying monthly and the dates of signature list.
The fellow who is enrolled in an institution in the metropolitan area of Mexico City should be presented to sign the list of scholarships at the Directorate of Academic Exchange within the time stipulated for this.
The fellow who is conducting studies in the Republic must send a monthly email confirmation of receipt of the amount of scholarship. This will give you a simple format established by the Directorate for Academic Exchange, at the time of document.
f) Intermediate Formalities
Trainees should be familiar with the rules applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and processes to be observed as the fellow during his stay in the country, in order not to omit any formalities.
g) Final Paperwork
Trainees must hand in the Directorate for Academic Exchange of the General Directorate of Educational and Cultural Cooperation at the end of their studies or research copy of the review of grade or degree, the electronic version of their thesis or final paper and motion signed by the guardian in
that confirming compliance with the objectives of the project. Also, where he is the plane ticket to return to his country, must apply for and report the date of departure.
Not meet these requirements will be canceled in the last month the payment of grant and, if the plane ticket.
Obligations of trainee
Their obligations are contained in the document Standards Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, signed a document that the fellow at the time of receiving the award for his scholarship and thus agree to be bound by its content.
• Folder application of the Office of Scholarships and Educational Credit-Obec (attach receipt). Fill out all forms of Obec.
• Two (2) letters for the workplace or university. One, addressed to the Chief of the Office of Scholarships and Educational Credit and the other, the entity sponsoring the scholarship
• Application for scholarship. To use the application of this Call. The formats of previous years are not valid. (Annex I of the call)
• Apply the government's candidate in the final part of this application or in a separate letter.
• Letter of acceptance from the academic institution or receiving Mexican record that is pending acceptance, signed by the Postgraduate Coordinator and / or the Director of the Institute, school or to receive, on letterhead and signature. *
Submissions received via email, will be considered only as a contact, so do not take into account when deciding on the final award of the scholarship.
• Written in detailing the reasons why there is interest in conducting studies or research in Mexico.
• Curriculum Vitae with copies of documents related to
academic interest.
• Copy of bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree as to what is requesting the grant certified by the Secretary General or the National Assembly of Rectors.
• Copy of Certificate of Graduate Studies and / or postgraduate level, as appropriate. It is necessary to attach a record of the average obtained.
• Have a minimum average of 8 on a scale of 1-10, if a
different scale, it is indispensable to present their equivalence.
• For doctoral research in the academic record append establishing that is part of a doctoral program.
• For a postdoctoral should attach a document certifying the degree of doctorate.
• Photocopy of birth certificate
• Photocopy of national identity.
• Provide updated medical certificate issued by any branch of the Ministry of Health or ESSALUD.
• Eight original photographs (not digital) of 3 cm. high by 3 cm. width: must be pasted into an application for the scholarship. The seven remaining pictures must be supplied with your name and nationality on the back.
• Go back to your country at the end of the scholarship for at least a period equal to
fellow who was in Mexico.
• mobility scholarships for postgraduate studies, with the acceptance letter
Academic recognition of educational credits.
* You can receive a contact letter from the institution when applying for a scholarship, and continue with the procedures and requirements of the receiving institution. Once you are satisfied with them, and if the final letter of academic acceptance, it must be signed by the Head of the Department of School Services, the Coordinator of Graduate Studies, the Academic Secretary or Director of the Faculty, School, Institute or Center chosen. For medical areas, the letter must be signed by the Head of Specialty and Head of Teaching Hospital or Institute of the Ministry of Health. Importantly, the final acceptance letter must be sent through the receiving institution and / or the embassy or consulate of Mexico, to the SRE at least one month prior to initiation of studies
For postgraduate studies, indicate the program of study for which the candidate was accepted to the scholarship as well as start-end dates and format of the program (biannual, quarterly or quarterly). Moreover, for both research should specify the name of academic supervisor of the project, the site will be developed and whether the period of the opening of the call candidates must be in contact with the academic institution to process their acceptance.
IMPORTANT: Registration for online applications will take place from July 15 to August 15 should remain in communication with the phones to Obec: 8294-8271 Annex 6128282, Address: Calle Tiziano No. 387, cdra height. 26 Javier Prado Este, Sn Borja.
No scholarships are offered to propaedeutic courses for distance learning (virtual mode) or for direct doctorates (integrated master's and doctorate). The maximum 0para PhD scholarship is 3 years. Scholarship applicants only for the development of a research project should not schedule the start date in January or December, or the term in December
- Applicants for the scholarship must submit their documentation in the order above, in folder with dividers and snap order not to lose any documents, incomplete records will not be taken into account.
- If selected, the recipient shall consult with the academic institution where recipient must complete the formalities for renewal of their studies in order to proceed with the Apostille or legalized papers, before traveling to Mexico.
Documents to be attached when applying for special programs with Application B
• Original Form (Application B) for the year in which the activity is carried out properly requisitioned in Spanish, with original signature of the applicant and his photograph. (Annex II of the call)
• Letter from the receiving Mexican institution to the Director General of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which mentions the particular program for which the scholarship is requested, indicating clearly the title of the conference, research, teaching or work art, as appropriate, to conduct the foreign, as well as the dates of the Mexican institution.
• Summary of curriculum vitae
• Include also the specific requirements of the Special Program to nominate (choose a program in the annual call)
• In the case of scholarship programs "Genaro Estrada" for Mexicans, special chairs, stays Partner of Media and stays for artistic creation, including eight original photographs (not digital), if the stay is greater than 2 months and photos if 2 is less than 2 months.
• If the application is submitted through our diplomatic or consular representation in the country of origin of the applicant must attach a letter of invitation from the Mexican institution.
• Summary of curriculum vitae in Spanish
• Include, in addition, the specific requirements of the special program to run it (choosing a program at the Annual Convocation)
- For lecturers and visiting scholars to indicate the name of the conference, seminar or course to be held. Attach a copy of the invitation letter, which details the dates and place of execution.
- If requesting a grant to develop research within the program "Genaro Estrada" for Mexicans, the proposed research must be submitted as part of this application in the format of Annex 1 of the "Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of SRE.
- You must also attach a letter of 1 to 2 pages, which detail the reasons why there is interest in research in Mexico.
- Original application is considered complete and submitted in advance. Do not accept applications sent by fax or email.
- It is up to the General Directorate of Educational and Cultural Cooperation to manage and purchase of international airfare, so no refunds can be made where the person or institution receiving the purchase directly. The applicant must have U.S. visa.
- If the applicant cancels his trip after the ticket has been issued by the airline travel agency approved by the SRE, it will ask the institution concerned or the payment thereof, where the ticket is not refundable.
- If you buy the ticket in economy class fare will be carried out means that a scale or make a connection in a city in the United States of America (USA), must ensure the validity of accreditation and the corresponding visa.
More information found at the website:
Attachment: [Appendix 1] [annex 2]
Also present in MANILA FOLDER, A photocopy of all documentation
For special programs: October 26 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Posted by
10:30 PM
Labels: education scholarships, mexico, Postgraduate
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